TV, video games, continuous gossip on mobile phone, etc., are the predominant pastime of people of all ages including kids in the modern era. A bottle of beer and a packet of crisp potato chips or other snacks also become part of TV viewing to add spice to the shows and movies. All these activities are highly addictive and detrimental to progress in life including your health. Simply sitting without minimum movements of the body organs also affects health of a person very adversely. Get rid of these habits and start doing simple exercises like walking, jogging, running and workouts daily.
Walking is the simplest of all exercises for everyone irrespective of age. It costs nothing except for a pair of canvas shoes. Make use of your local community center, park, garden or walkways in your city for a stroll. Walk just for 30 minutes daily but make it a brisk walk. Alternatively you can climb up and down your staircase at the backyard in the course of your everyday household chores.
According to a recent study conducted by World Cancer Research Fund, a short 30-minutes walk daily drastically reduces one's chances of contracting cancer. People who keep themselves physically fit from younger days have a lower risk of developing cancer as they grow older.
Folks, make walking everyday a habit from today and drive away the dreaded cancer from our society.
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